Deuchar, Margaret, Pieter
Muysken, & Sung-Lan Wang. 2007. Structured
variation in codeswitching: towards an empirically based typology of
bilingual speech patterns.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(3),
Hinskens, Frans. 2015. Wijdvertakte Wortels. Over etnolectisch Nederlands. Amsterdam: AUP.
Hinskens, Frans. 2013. Four decades of study of synchronic variation in varieties of Dutch. A sketch. In Joana Duarte & Ingrid Gogolin (Eds.), Linguistic superdiversity in urban areas: research approaches. 227–252. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Frans. 2011. Emerging Moroccan and Turkish varieties of Dutch:
ethnolects or ethnic styles? In
Kern & Margret Selting (Eds.), Ethnic Styles of Speaking in
European Metropolitan Areas.
(Studies in
Language Variation 8). 101-129.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Frans. 2007. New types of non-standard Dutch. In Christian Fandrych
& Rainier Salverda (Eds.), Standard, Variation and Language
Change in Germanic Languages. 281-300. Mannheim & Tübingen: IDS
& Narr, Francke, Attempto.
[The introductory chapter of the book can be found
Frans & Pieter Muysken. 2007a. The talk of the town:
languages in Amsterdam 1507-2007. Zeitschrift für
Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik (LiLi), 37(148), 7-23.
abstract can be read here]
Hinskens, Frans & Pieter Muysken. 2007b. De Nieuwe Rijken van het Nederlands. Taalschrift. Tijdschrift over taal en taalbeleid. Published December 1, 2007 at
Muysken, Pieter. 2013. Ethnolects of Dutch. In Frans Hinskens & Johan Taeldeman (Eds.), Language and Space: Dutch. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110261332.739
Muysken, Pieter.
Ethnolects as a multidimensional phenomenon. In
Muriel Norde, Bob de Jonge, & Cornelius Hasselblatt (Eds.), Language
Contact: New perspectives. 7–26. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
abstract can be read here]
Schokkin, Gerda H. 2011. “Ja toch?” Linguistic style, discourse markers and construction of identity by adolescents in Amsterdam. (Lincom Studies in Sociolinguistics 11). München: LINCOM GmbH.
van Krieken, Esther. 2005. Van immigratie tot etnolect. Toegepaste taalwetenschap in artikelen, 73, 63-71.
Meel, Linda. 2016. The
roots of ethnolects. A sociophonological study in Amsterdam and Nijmegen.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Ph.D.
Meel, Linda, Frans Hinskens & Roeland van Hout. 2015.
Co-variation and varieties in modern Dutch ethnolects. Lingua 172–173 [Special Issue:
Frans Hinskens & Gregory R. Guy (eds.), Coherence, covariation and bricolage.
Various approaches to the systematicity
of language variation]. 72-86.
van Meel, Linda, Frans Hinskens & Roeland van Hout. 2014. Variation in the realization of /εi/ by Dutch youngsters: from local urban dialects to emerging ethnolects? Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 22. 46–74. doi:10.1515/dialect-2014-0004 [Offprint.]
van Meel, Linda, Frans Hinskens & Roeland van Hout. 2013. Ethnolectal variation in the realization of /z/ by Dutch youngsters. Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 80(3). 297–325.
van Wijngaarden, Arien & Hanke van Buren. 2009. Hoezo niet geïntegreerd? Kennislink. Published Tuesday 24 February 2009 at
2016, April |
Grondelaers, Frans Hinskens & Pieter Muysken. 'Perspectives
on ethnolect research'. Presented at the colloquium
'Categories, Diversity, and Contact', Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen,
April 20, 2016. |
2016, April |
Frans Hinskens. 'Ethnolects;
the crossroads between language contact, language acquisition and
dialect variation'. Presented at the PhD school,
Faculty of Arts, University of Malaga, April 12, 2016. |
2016, March |
Linda van Meel. 'The
roots of ethnolects. A sociophonological study in Amsterdam and Nijmegen'.
Ph.D. defense, Radboud
Universiteit Nijmegen, March 15, 2016. |
2015, February |
Frans Hinskens, Roeland van Hout & Pieter Muysken. 'Moroccan Dutch and Turkish Dutch ethnolects: aspects of variation in grammatical gender marking'. Presented at the ‘Linguistics in the Netherlands day’, Utrecht, February 7, 2015. [Abstract.] |
2014, January |
Linda van Meel, Frans Hinskens & Roeland van Hout. 'Covariation and varieties in modern Dutch ethnolect(s)'. Presented at the International workshop on Dialect Coherence 'Are language varieties coherent?', Amsterdam, January 16, 2014. [Handout.] |
2013, September |
Linda van Meel. 'Nieuwe dialecten van het Nederlands'. LAB at the DRONGO-festival, Amsterdam, 28 september 2013. [Abstract.] [Flyer.] [Presentation.] |
2013, August |
Frans Hinskens, Linda van Meel, Roeland van Hout & Pieter Muysken. ‘Modern Moroccan and Turkish ethnolects of Dutch: phonetic and grammatical aspects', Presented at the workshop 'Creoles and Beyond. Creoles, Code-mixing, Heritage Languages, Ethnolects', Amsterdam, August 26, 2013. [Abstract.] [Handout.] |
2013, June |
Linda van Meel, Frans Hinskens & Roeland van Hout. ‘Variation in the realization of /εi/ by Dutch youngsters: dialects and ethnolects?'. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE7), Trondheim, Norway, June 28, 2013. [Abstract.] [Handout.] |
2012, August |
Linda van Meel, Roeland van Hout & Frans Hinskens. ‘Co-variation and varieties in Dutch ethnolect(s)'. Presented at the Sociolinguistic Symposium 19, Berlin, August 23, 2012. [Abstract.] [Handout.] |
2012, January |
Pieter Muysken. ‘The Roots of Ethnolects’. Presented at the the LOT Winter School Tilburg, January 9-13, 2012. [Handout.] |
2011, November |
Frans Hinskens. ‘Despite or because of intensive contact? Internal and external aspects of divergence in modern dialects and ethnolects of Dutch’. Presented at the workshop 'Stability and divergence in language contact', Universität Hamburg, November 3, 2011. [Handout.] |
2011, October |
Linda van Meel & Frans Hinskens. ‘Patterns of variation in Dutch ethnolects: Linguistic, stylistic and social factors in the realization of /z/’. Presented at the conference New Ways of Analyzing Variation 40 (NWAV40), Georgetown University, Washington DC, October 28, 2011. [Abstract.] [Handout.] [References.] |
2011, June |
Pieter Muysken. ‘Roots of Ethnolects’. Keynote speaker at the joint LSSA, SAALA, SAALT and EPIP Conference 'Interactions and Interfaces', Grahamstown (South Africa), June 27, 2011. [Handout.] |
2011, February |
Linda van Meel. ‘Variation in the realization of /z/ within and across Dutch adolescents of Moroccan, Turkish and Dutch descent’. Presented at the ‘Linguistics in the Netherlands day’, Utrecht, February 5, 2011. [Handout.] |
2011, January |
Frans Hinskens. 'Four decades of study of synchronic variation in varieties of Dutch. A sketch'. Presented at the workshop 'LiMA meets Holland: relevant research from the Dutch speaking space', University of Hamburg, January 24, 2011. |
2010, September, August, June |
Pieter Muysken. ‘The Roots of Ethnolects’. Presented in Wales (September 2010), in Groesbeek (August 2010), in Hamburg (June 2010). |
2010, April |
Ariën van Wijngaarden. 'Over wat zullen we het hebben?': Talige kenmerken van 'etnisch' Nederlands. Presented at the 'Kenniskring Krachtig Leren', Amsterdam, April 23, 2010. |
2009, November, October |
Pieter Muysken. ‘The Roots of Ethnolects’. Presented in Utrecht (November 2009), in Amsterdam (October 2009). |
2009, January |
Ariën van Wijngaarden & Hanke van Buren. 'The Roots of Ethnolects. Adolescents in Multilingual Contexts'. Presented at the Network Meeting NIAS, Wassenaar, Januari 09, 2009. |
2008, October |
Ariën van Wijngaarden. 'Over wat zullen we het hebben?': Talige kenmerken van 'etnisch' Nederlands. Presented at the Open day of the Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, October 19, 2008. |
2008, April |
Ariën van Wijgaarden. 'Ethnic variation: Morpho-syntactic aspects of Moroccan Dutch and Turkish Dutch.' Poster presented at the Sociolinguistic Symposium 17, Amsterdam, April 03, 2008. [Abstract, see p.195] |
2008, March |
Ariën van Wijngaarden. 'Morpho-syntactic aspects of Moroccan Dutch and Turkish Dutch.' Presented at the International Conference on Youth Language, Copenhagen, March 27, 2008. |
2008, February |
Ariën van Wijngaarden. 'Pronominal adverbs in Moroccan and Turkish Dutch.' Presented at the ‘Linguistics in the Netherlands day’, February 2, 2008. |
2007, September |
Frans Hinskens. ‘Investigating emerging ethnolects of Dutch: methods and first findings.’ Keynote speaker at ‘UK Language Variation and Change conference (UKLVC6)’, Lancaster, UK, September 11, 2007. (invited talk) [Programme] [Abstract] |
2007, June |
Frans Hinskens. ‘Studying emerging ethnolects of Dutch. Questions, methods and first findings’, Panel ‘A European perspective on ethnic styles of speaking’ at the 10th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA)-Conference, Gothenburg, July 9, 2007 (invited talk). |
2007, May |
Ariën van Wijngaarden. 'Over wat zullen we het hebben?': Voornaamwoordelijke bijwoorden in het Roots-corpus. 'Tea lecture' at Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, May 02, 2007. |
2007, January |
Ariën van Wijngaarden. 'Het jongen zag dat kikkertje uit de glas was. Het lidwoordgebruik in het Nederlands van NT2-leerders’. Presented at the ‘International Research Meeting for Junior Applied Linguists’, State University of Groningen, January 26, 2007. |
2006, March |
Frans Hinskens. ‘New types of non-standard Dutch’, Presented at ‘Standard, Variation and Language Contact in the Germanic Languages’, University College London & King's College London, Londen, England, March 22-24, 2006 (invited talk) |
2006, March |
Frans Hinskens, Esther van Krieken, Wouter Kusters, and Pieter Muysken. ‘Methodologische aspecten van etnolectonderzoek’. At the symposium ‘Etnolecten en Straattaal’. University of Utrecht, March 2006 |
2005, October |
Esther van Krieken and Wouter Kusters. ‘The emergence of ethnolects in the Dutch cities; Between second language acquisition and dialectology’. Presented at the conference New Ways of Analyzing Variation 34 (NWAV34), New York University, October 2005 |
2005, June |
Wouter Kusters and Esther van Krieken. ‘Dutch on the move; emerging varieties under influence of migration’. Presented at the 'International Conference on Language Variation in Europe 3 (ICLaVE 3)', the Meertens Institute in Amsterdam, 23 juni 2005 [Abstract.] |
2005, June |
Pieter Muysken and Peter Auer. Organisation of the ‘European Workshop on Ethnolects, ICLAVE3’, University of Amsterdam, June 2005 |
If you have written a thesis, a research paper or an nternship paper within the Roots of Ethnolects project and you want to make it available here, please send your thesis/paper as a pdf to Linda.
Hendus, Ulrike (2012). Dative Alternation – a feature of new Dutch ethnolects?. M.A. internship paper, Linguistics Dept, Radboud University Nijmegen [download]
Incorrect links? Please, contact Linda. |